SRG Tillsonburg Rides the Big Bike for Heart and Stroke
The SRG Tillsonburg team was thrilled to take part once again in the annual Big Bike event for The Heart and Stroke Foundation. The Heart and Stroke Big Bike is a team event geared towards companies, community organizations and groups. The Big Bike does not come with a motor. It’s powered 100 per cent by participants – minimally 15 people, up to 29 plus one seat for the driver to get the ‘full-house’ experience. All proceeds help support heart disease and stroke research. According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation website, last year over 700,000 riders, in over 200 communities coast to coast helped raise over $8 million for research. SRG’s Tillsonburg team is proud to participate in this event annually. The Big Bike event was held in front of Tillsonburg’s Kelsey’s Restaurant. The team proudly raised $240.00 as they pedaled their way through the community! ‘Ride On’ Tillsonburg!