Channeling Your Inner Superhero for a Productive Year

by | Jan 13, 2017 | Workforce Development (Employers), Career Development (Employees), News

I always find it interesting when the clock turns to midnight on December 31; how it can trigger a feeling of inspiration, excitement and a renewed sense of HOPE. I know personally, no matter how challenging my life situation, my load somehow feels lighter on January 1. I feel recharged – and not just any old charge but a super power charge! The kind where you are standing alone on a cliff with torrential rain and wind blowing in your face, in your superhero stance shouting as loud as you can ‘Is that all you’ve got?  Bring it on – I dare you!’ It makes you feel invincible and confident to take on life’s greatest challenges and WIN.

It’s a chance for a fresh start – to be a better human being (or superhero!) – healthier, kinder, smarter. More mindful. In sync.

We all tell ourselves this is our year! We set goals and milestones. Start a daily journal. Download an inspirational podcast. Join a gym. Eat healthier. Promise to spend more quality time as a spouse, partner, father, mother, friend. Achieve a better work/life balance. Learn a new skill or start a new hobby. Promise to live our life with no regrets.

Then February 1 rolls around. Life happens – family and work demands takeover. We start missing our workouts, eating fast food and are too tired to listen to that podcast. We feel defeated and exhausted – we find our superhero costume in the corner rolled up in a big ball with the rest of the laundry. What happened?

We put too much pressure on ourselves to achieve the impossible – a word we all know as perfection. Perfection is our arch nemesis. It taunts us and punches us in the gut when we are least expecting it and screams at us ‘You failed!’. But we tell ourselves failure was not an option. That’s the stupidest thing I have ever heard! Some of my greatest failures have been my greatest life lessons. Failure can be success BUT only if you learn from it.

Be kind to yourself. If you fall get back up and try again. Keep trying until you get it right –  not perfect – but what you feel good about. What is perfect for you. Just do your best and the rest will follow.

Sherri StevensAbout the Author

Sherri Stevens
Sherri Stevens, President of SRG, is an award winning entrepreneur and visionary, having pioneered the organization from a local employment office to an international workforce management company. She is passionate about people and her community, as well as a lifelong advocate for diversity. Away from the day-to-day, Sherri spends time with her family, enjoys gourmet cooking and is an avid dog lover.

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